Blog Bog

In the world of business there’s literally something blog worthy every day, and it was my intention to blog at least once a week (I have failed miserably). I find time is exceptionally tight these days as I’ve taken on some new projects. I expect I’ll seldom post more than once every few months for the next year or so, but I’ll try to make the posts full of adventure, intrigue and romance. Uh… or not.


Blog Bog

There’s literally something blog worthy every day, and it was my intention to blog at least once a week. I find time is exceptionally tight these days as I’ve taken on some new projects. I expect I’ll seldom make a large post more than once a month for the next 6 months or so (hopefully it will be a more comprehensive post). In the meantime I’m sure I’ll still throw up a bit ‘o Cam now and then (maybe no pictures).