This was an odd week. Sort of slow, but really really stressful. All of life seemed to catch up with us at once (sort of like a mass expiration of warranties). A lot of us were sick too. There’s not a lot of report, but we’ll post what we have.

The only activity the family really did this week was take a trip to Seven Peaks waterpark. It’s hot out here in Utah and this is a great way to cool off.

Cam decided to consolidate all his blogs into one over at He’s run a lot of blogs for a long time- I guess he deserves a break. Will he roll this blog into his blog? He doesn’t know quite yet. Any suggestions?
October 14, 2012 Udpate: He did!

Fran discovered a mobile application to help her post from her phone. has a couple of new posts. Will her blogging efforts last? Here’s hoping!