Man, the last couple of weeks have been brutal. We’ve been so busy doing stuff that I had a major meltdown. Maybe I’ll do a post about it – could be cathartic (and blogs shouldn’t all be “look how great my life is” stuff). Where to start… ha, what to leave out?

As I mentioned last time, Fran’s parents flew in from Reunion. We don’t get to see them too much and so we had a ton of dinners and activities. I’m not a very social guy. You could pop me in a sensory deprivation chamber and I’d be happy as a clam for quite a long time. Needless to say these get-togethers took their toll (yeah, and I admit I even skipped a few). Really, I need to learn French.

Part of the festivities involved the wedding of my niece, Natacha. In early May she and her fiancee, Spencer, tied the proverbial knot. They had a lovely wedding at the Salt Lake temple.

During part of the wedding day I lugged the kids around downtown Salt Lake. Everyone was enamored by the idea of going to the conference center roof. We took a tour and after nearly an hour (probably seemed like a few days to kids) we finally made it to the top. It’s a really cool tour if you haven’t been through and the top-scape is remarkable.

Over the next few days Fran’s parents came to see my work (they’ve never actually been there before). They were clearly in awe of my Transfomers collection and Disney wall art. A few hikes and picnics later it was time to say goodbye to the in-laws. Au revoir!

The Sego Lily Dance Festival. At the conclusion of the school year it appears it’s a tradition to force the children to dance. I would have to say that Gabe got the short end of the stick here.

Gabe graduated from kindergarten! I don’t know if ceremonies like this – where they make the kids dance and sing – are typical, but I hope not (yeah, I am a giant party pooper- get over it).

Fran and I went to try out a new restaurant in Lehi called Melty Way (mostly because I am considering opening a franchise of a similar eatery and I wanted to checkout the competition). I have to say it’s not bad. I don’t think it’s Zupa’s quality, but it was a (to use Graham Elliot’s favorite word) yummy.

The neighborhood summer bash was last Friday. Giant jump castles, mounds of food, face painting, live music and a massive outdoor theater showing of Wreck-It Ralph were all too much for my shattered nerves, but my family took full advantage of the party hungry hosts down the street. Next year I’m going. Really. Maybe.

As if we didn’t do enough partying the kids demanded a trip to the pool (is it warm enough for that)? At some point I’d just like the world to stop spinning for a bit so I can hop off, but now that the kids are out of school it will only go faster and faster. Don’t worry, I’m going to get some therapy. Really. Maybe.