I won’t lie- making this post feels like a chore. Maybe it’s because I’m especially grumpy today. Or maybe it’s because I know, deep down in my heart, that very few people really care. And yet I’m compelled by some force I don’t quite understand to keep posting the mundane, to divulge the uninteresting and to preserve the unpopular.I will never stop!

We took our annual snowmobiling trip in early March. We went to up Daniel’s Summit in Heber again and the weather, snow and company were fantastic.

Overall there were only a couple of small injuries and no one got irreparably entrenched. I was a bit under the weather going in and I figured I’d get worse after spending all day out in the cold. I ended up being sick for over a week but I’m pretty sure it was worth it.
Aside from cruising through the snow we had some great meals, fun conversations and we were introduced to Settlers of Catan – I don’t know how we had missed that one.

My kids endlessly entertain and frustrate me. Here is Mike watching Netflix with his face against the monitor. Chloe having fun with yogurt (reminds me of my sister and her cottage cheese). Gabe doing sugar spelling… with his tongue. And Claire reading while arched over backwards (upside down). Such gifted children.

Mike went bowling with his scout troop and the other kids wanted to go too. My wonderful wife obliged but reported that by the third frame they already had “buyers remorse.” Do these look like the faces of grateful kids? Nope. But you’re welcome anyway.

St. Patrick’s Day rolled around again. It was once more to dress everyone in green, eat clover colored pancakes, paint fingernails and party like an Irishman! I forgot to wear green and got pinched a surprising number of times.

My birthday! I don’t know when it changed, but I wish my birthdays would crawl into a hole and die. This year I skipped the cake and party but got some nice gifts and dinner from Saigon cafe (delicious).

In lei of throwing away my junk I’ve started listing it on eBay. I had forgotten how aggravating it can be. List junk. Answer annoying questions (“Hey man, call me about this part- got twenty minutes worth of questions before I part with my $10). Sell item. Get billed by eBay. Receive payment and pay Paypal fee. Pack item. Ship item (“Did you ship it yet? It’s been almost an hour since I paid”). Leave feedback. Wait for residual positive feedback that never comes. Net: $7. Or, another way to look at it: $0.75/hour. Yes!

Other miscellaneous events from March: Fran and I repaired all the flats on our bikes. I think these are actually the residual flats from our trip to Moab! Took the kids over to work to play some darts. Darts are amazing when you’re a kid – it’s as close as you can get to that “being bad” feeling without actually doing anything wrong. And I broke my iPhoen screen (second time). Hooray for Apple care. Boo for being so sick you’re not able to hold stuff.
I care and I do read your blog. Besides, even if no one reads it, it’s still a great way to document the happenings of your life. Jason loves that he can go back and look at the last six years on mine.
So, no joke, you’re one of the reasons I wrote “very few people really care” instead of “no one cares.” You are absolutely right though- even if no one reads a blog it’s still a great way to “document the happenings of your life.” But, to be honest, I’m just sort of burned out these days. I bite off more than I can chew (a lot), get bummed out and then everything seems like a chore- even things I normally enjoy. Has it really been six years? Way to go!