While there was a good chance July was destined to destroy me I somehow persevered. I worked on the home to make is presentable. Darin listed the home and within ten days it has sold. The packing was then started. As far as I’m concerned this is how I spent my July:

I put things in boxes ’cause boxes are fun!
I won’t even know where I’ll live when I’m done.
I stuck all my crap in boxes with labels
In went my books and my chairs and my tables.
I packed through the day and I packed through the night.
I packed all the heavy and packed all the light.
Two hundred boxes put onto a truck
Where are there going? Who gives a…

A layover in Paris for a few days. Lots of stuff to see (like that Eiffel Tower thing) and it helps with the time zone adjustment (ultimate destination is 10 hours ahead of Utah).

Arrived in Reunion safe and sound. One of the first orders of business is a trip to get munchies… what a great view.

View from the beach house – not too bad. Some obligatory ocean time and a quick shopping trip – facilitated by Fran’s parents – to get some nets so that the sea life could be captured and studied.

Playing in paradise – Reunion is a lot like Hawaii with lots of lush tropical vegetation. Three trampolines with swings. Doesn’t get any better than that.

Fracoise’s family: Parents (Alain & Danielle) and her brothers and their wives (Pamela & Christophe & Alain-David & Sandra). They made the blog. Totally epic.
This section above is the France / Reunion trip. If my wife so desires she can hop onto the blog and update captions. She has that power. Will she use it? Well, it’s hard to say. History suggest that it’s unlikely. But there’s also a good chance that I’ve captioned the pictures so poorly her sense of order might override her apathy. It looks like it was a fun trip. Once they perfect teleportation technology I can absolutely see myself popping over to the island for a few days of sun, fun and food.

Fran and the kids got back at the end of July and, after they had recovered for a couple of days,we lit off some fireworks in honor of Pioneer Day.

Fran and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. Things were chaotic but we managed to squeeze in a dinner outing at Shoots.

Having given up any hope of moving things ourselves we hired 7 Brothers to come take care of the furniture and boxes. They did a great job- if you need a moving company I can recommend them.

The new house is coming along. In July Ivory finished most of the exterior, got the drywall and texturing done and made good headway on our retaining wall / driveway.
I’m not really sure where the time for this post came from. I looked in my draft folder and it was just sort of there. So way to go me.