I swore I would never do it again, but he siren song of aftermarket parts and more power has always proved to strong to resist… There are so many well developed and proven upgrades and technology for the 991 that I felt comfortable giving them a shot. I teamed up with Fabspeed, IPS, ByDesign, Cobb Tuning and Ken Garff Porsche for the build. It is, thus far, one of my smoother builds to date.

I bought this cool wall art from Fabspeed. Then they asked me if there was anything else they would help me with. That was the beginning…
I collected everything I needed over the next month (more on that in a second) and made the necessary installation arrangements.
This is what came out of the car:

The old parts they took out look so much worse than the new stuff going in that it’s hard to believe! This is the old muffler and exhaust tips, the old catalytic converts, exhaust headers, air filter, intercoolers, plenum and Y-pipe.
And these are the new parts that went into the car replacing the items above:
The installation was done at Ken Garff Lehi. They have a beautiful new facility and all the guys there were super cool and did a fantastic job.

Headers are in! Daniel (one of the salesman) was holding the headers prior to install and said, “Look at these- like art!” I don’t know about that, but they’re pretty sexy. The catalytic converters are in too! Everything seems like it’s fitting well.

June 27th: Love the way the Fabspeed X-pipe exhaust looks. This should be wicked. So far really happy with the guys at the dealership.

A quick comparison picture of the stock vs Fabspeed headers. Also the stock vs By Design Intercoolers. And then everything zipped back up. It is an absolute shame that you don’t get to see any of the cool stuff locked away in the bumper but at least you get a peek underneath. Visually I really prefer the Fabspeed exhaust to the stock box hanging down off the back of the car.
So ends the installation portion of my journey. Next up- tuning!
While I appreciate your infatuation with your P-car I fail to see many of the merits you extol. You will undoubtedly have many things that equate to a “problem” as you force your car to perform at levels it was not intended to. The driving experience of every Porsche short of the 918 is mediocre. The engine placement equates to a heavy rear end hazardous handling at best. Given your obvious propensity for throwing money at “the best” and if you want something properly balanced – a truly excellent driving experience – look at what McLaren or Ferrari offer. I give Porsche credit for their PDK but little else.