I have been blogging since Oct of 2007. I’ve officially made it 10 years (with some interruptions here and there). Feel free to send me your Paypal thanks for the countless hours of entertainment I have no doubt provided over the years (whether on purpose or by accident, “Haha, this guy thinks people care about thermostats!”). Don’t worry though- I plan to continue blogging no matter what. Rest easy, everyone.
Fun Blog Facts:
Total posts written: Over 530
Most post written in one month: 16 (June, 2017). Other months may show more than this but that’s because I merged 5 blogs together sometime in 2010.
Spam Comments: 6,889
Average “Active Visitors” per month: 400-500 per Google analytics (2017)
Is my blog monitized? No.
Why do I do it? I am a compulsive chronicling addict.