Business, As Usual

dcblogsdhqfran5.jpgFor anyone wondering exactly what Tasers are, you can check out their website HERE. Personally, I think they represent an excellent means of non-lethal self defense and I’m excited to be able to carry them in our store.

newstoresshqsdhq.jpgSpeaking of stores- we’re actually launching two new websites. There’s SelfDefenseHQ (which I just mentioned) and also SwordHQ which we’re hoping to get up in the next month. There’s still some design tweaking to do, but we’re getting close. I’m always floored by how much stuff there is to sell! Self defense items, emergency preparedness products, kitchen knives, multi tools, flashlights, custom knives, imports, fantasy stuff. We’ve barley scratched the surface. If only there was more time…

More Sushi, Please.


I never thought I’d eat Sushi.  I’ve tried it from time to time, but never really found it very palatable… until now. My sister in law recommended Won Won Wok in Saratoga Springs. So Fran and I went and checked it out. Great Chinese food. I took the guys at work back later the next next week and one of then Got a Sushi plate. I tried one- it was delicious. So next time I got some Sushi for myself. Amazing. And I’ve been in love with the Won Won Wok’s sushi ever since. I’m especially partial to the Spicy Tuna, Avocado and California Rolls. I even use chopsticks.

I Like to Ride My Bicycle! I like to Ride my Bike.


I had a bicycle once- an old black Trek 21 speed that I rode around BYU when I went to school there. Those were happy times. So when my family decided we’d start biking together we headed over to the local Trek Store. Fran’s birthday was coming up so it was easy to justify getting her a new bike.  Father’s Day was looming on the horizon so we rationalized my bike without too much trouble. We have a bike trailer that Claire and Gabe can ride in so that just left Mike. Obviously Mike got a bike too.

A boy’s first bike is a proud moment for a Dad. He put his helmet on, climbed on his bike and fell over. But he was right back on it and soon he was peddling around the neighborhood at a pretty good pace. I’ll leave the training wheels on for another few months until he can balance a little better. We got the trailer hooked up to Fran’s bike and went on a family ride together.  Many more to come.


I splurged a bit and got a Gary Fisher Superfly. The 29″ over sized wheels really give it a great ride. The fame is all carbon fiber (I’m a carbon fiber nut- really) and the bike is incredibly light. I’ve ridden it to work a few times, but I haven’t been able to go on a serious ride yet. Hopefully next month.  Anyone want to go?

Counter De Energy Drinks!


The store counters are coming along- everything always takes longer than we think it will. We were hoping to have the counters done by the end of last week. Today (Friday) is the end of this week and they still aren’t finished. No sweat though. We spent a good month just trying to figure out what kind of counters we wanted so there’s obviously no hurry. Word of the constuction is spreading… soon the customers will come.  And they will not be able to touch anything!

The other day I was packing some orders and I turned my head and noticed everyone had an energy drink on their desk (some people had more than one). Go ahead- count them up. I don’t drink them, but apparently they keep me in business by providing energy to my people. Thank you Coca Cola.

Past its Prime Meridian


Meridian School. I don’t really know where to begin and I don’t want to ramble on (I’m not feeling very eloquent at the moment) so I’ll make this short and sweet.

On the 24th of May we visited the school building before it was torn down. In many ways visiting the building was like attending an open casket viewing. The body is not what defined the person, much like the building is not what defined the school. But it’s the last tangible thing that remains, and so it is to that shell that we say goodbye.

It was nice to be able to visit the old classrooms one last time and reminisce about all of our experiences there. Much about the school was still the same as I remember it, but many other things had changed and the school was in s state of disrepair. Each time I drive along 900 East in Provo I’m sure I’ll feel a little sad when I don’t see the old school building, but it was time for it go.

I’m glad I had the chance to attend the school in, what I would consider, its prime. I made friends I still have. I met my future (and current) wife. And I got a “real” education to boot. I often think back to my time spent at Meridian and I can’t help but smile.

And yes- I edited Andrew into the picture on the left. He was MIA when the picture was taken but he deserves to be in it.

Park City Street Fighting, Goodbye!


Recently Fran and I hit Park city for a little time to ourselves (no kids- thank you Nelly!) We stayed at the Hotel Park City. The accommodations were much nicer than I was expecting and the room decoration and feel were outstanding.  We had dinner at Ruth’s Chris Grill which was also excellent- easily one of the best meals I’ve had all year (caesar salad, ribeye steak, creamed spinach and sauteed mushrooms with a chocolate coffee cheesecake for dessert).

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t on our side and our plans were cut somewhat short. When we got to Park City it was a tolerable 69 degrees but by the time we had finished dinner and headed toward the pool it had become sub 50 degrees and it was raining (when we left the next morning is was 33 degrees and snowing). We’ll have to give it another shot later this year.


In other news we recently got a Super Street Fighter Arcade machine. I used to play this one at a pizza parlour by my old house in Alpine. Nostalgia aside, it’s still one of my favorite games and I’ve always wanted to own the Arcade. As a kid I always thought it would be fun to have arcade games (I think I got the ideal from Silver Spoons).  Anyway- we got this one for work. Not sure yet if it’s a good thing. It doesn’t do much to engender good will (“This doesn’t block. I can’t block.  What the $#%$!?” “You’re so cheap, stop being such a %$#@!!” and other gems like, “Be someone else. Don’t you know anyone else?  This is lame $@%$!”).

Getting Street Fighter makes me want to assemble a MAME arcade. It would be really cool to have some more games.

And finally, GE is out of the the appliance business. Thank goodness! We have GE appliances in our house- five to be exact. We had to have the compressor replaced in our fridge, we had to have the fan motor replaced in our microwave, the “self clean’ on our ovens is broken, various pieces of our dishwasher have broken off and our gas stove top has ignition problems.  Kind of unreal – five appliances with five problems. No more GE for me

6/23/2017 Update: I guess GE didn’t actually get out of the appliance biz since our new home has almost all GE appliances. And, you guessed it, they have all broken at some point. 

Anyway, got another post coming up soon!

Bonding with Transformers

My son, Mike, is obsessed with Transformers. Sometimes he calls me at work to ask me Transformer questions. “Hi Daddy. Hey, can Fortress Maximus beat up Optimus Prime?” We’ve been pulling out my collection and playing with them a few nights each week and Mike is amassing a little collection of his own. He’s watched the movies (both the cartoon and live action offerings) more times than me. All of this delights me.

Recently I decided it was time to start drawing with him. Now, I’m not some kind of super artist or anything, but I think a person should have some basic art skills. I bought us some markers (I recommend Prismacolor  markers- excellent in every way) and we decided to draw some Transformers. Mike picked Bumblebee for our first effort. I tried to teach him about seeing basic shapes in objects. I showed him how to pencil the design, ink and then color. I was thrilled that his little bumble bee drawing had shapes with volume and weren’t just little sticks! I helped him with the outline of his car, but he did all his wheels and windows and his own inking and coloring. We still have a ways to go, but I’m going to do this with him a couple of times a month and save everything in a book for him. I’m sure he’ll get better than me pretty quick.