The New BHQ and Minivan too!

We redesigned our website- I just get that bug once in awhile…


Greg did the template work and I sat next to him and shouted “More colors! More space! Less space! There is more than before! Now make less! Over, over! More green blue blue!” The old site was just kind of clunky, angular and outdated (you can compare the old version and the new version. We even overhauled the logo (very dangerous- but who cares!?). Once we get a few of the bugs out the new site should be better than the old one in every way. Want to drop me a line to tell me what you think? Stifle that urge. Hold it… hold it… there you go.

And in other news, we’ve done it. Successfully rotated our entire vehicle selection in less than six months. How extravagantly delicious! We traded the Acura toward…


… a 2003 Honda Odyssey. I honestly didn’t want to be the guy who drove a sports car and made his wife drive a minivan. And I’m not! She chose this. We had looked at the Honda Pilot first (you know, trying to maintain our hip image with an SUV), but the Odyssey really won us over. When you can automatically open your car doors from the Keyfob you have a winner.  Fran wanted the red color because it reminds her of a berry on Reunion Island called the Goyavier. We have now achieved Utahsimilation.

Grass and Halloween


This is a post that should have gone up last week, but I just haven’t had the time. Usually I rob myself of sleep and sacrifice exercise and time with my family to do this stuff, but I did all that and there still wasn’t a free moment. Talk about a rough week.

Anyhoo… each October the Sabins throw a wicked Halloween party. This year was particularly exciting because it was in their house and they did an incredible job of decorating.  Fran was a Kangaroo with a miniroo (Gabe) tucked into a pocket. Claire was a lady bug and Michael was Raphael (not the painter- the turtle). If you want pictures of them you need to visit the other blog. I was feeling lazy so I just dressed my thumb up. The scar from my cut made a great mouth. It’s really too bad that I already had the stitches out.

Before the party I had been at Andrew’s house helping out with sod. I put a picture of some grass above to fill in space. It’s not Andrew’s. It’s not mine. I have no idea who’s it is. You can see Andrew’s real lawn here.  

Internet TV

The Office

I used to feel a small amount of regret about not having television piped into our home. The only up to date information I had came from reading the news on Yahoo. I’d be forced to buy DVD collections of TV episodes I enjoyed, but I was always a year behind. “Oh my gosh! Did you see what happened to Clark? I can’t believe they were able to… oh… sorry Cam.” I often resorted to reading episode transcriptions (how sad is that?). Well no more! Rachel recently turned me on to the fact that all these episodes are available on the Internet. Somehow I managed to miss the moment when every major television studio decided to make content available online. You only have to endure are are a few ads and you can watch The Office, Prison Break, Smallville and more.  Hooray… maybe.

The Blogging Begins…

So here it is- my first blog post. We have Andrew and Greg to thank for making this happen. Andrew came by my place to instruct me in the ways of WordPress. Greg designed the very odd graphic that adorns the website (if someone could rip something out of my mind, it would look very similar). Andrew may wonder why the first post has taken me so long. To answer this question I will post two pictures of a work-related mishap (after the pictures I will expound).


While tweaking a knife something went terribly wrong. One minute I was holding the knife and the next it was on the ground and I was spraying blood everywhere (yes, you can spray blood from your thumb). Luckily one of my guys was there to drive me to the hospital. They stitched me up (as seen above). I probably won’t have any feeling in my thumb for a long time, but somehow I managed to miss my tendon. There’s always a silver lining. Needless to say this impairment makes typing difficult.
More to come later!

PS- Both Greg and I are having a terrible time trying to format things with the WP software. Even the “Code” option is proving quite useless as WP inserts its own “magic tags” into every nook and cranny. It may be a template problem though… not cool.