Here’s a bit more on the retail front. I’ve posted a project status page on my retail website- you can see it if you click HERE. It’s a bit behind though- we’re well into the shelving stage now and have moved over most of our inventory. I’ll get some exclusive (wow!) pictures up in the next couple days. I just don’t have any free time right now.
Category Archives: Uncategorized Posts
What on Earth?
I found this on my computer. I don’t know why I did this. I have very little recollection of doing it. I can only assume it was some kind of late night experiment to test the limits of a photograph red eye reduction program (that’s what I used to make it). Huh… I’ll have to scan in some of my other cartoons soon. They are so bizarre. One of these days I’ll be famous for something bad like this.
And in other news we awoke to find about two inches of snow outside. Part of our driveway is being redone so we’ve had to park all of our cars outside for the last three days. Winter’s last desperate attempt to ruin my life.
And in yet more news I am now 30. There’s nothing else to say about that.
Spring is Finally Here!
Today is the first day of spring. Now that’s excitement (only happens once a year!). Yesterday’s weather was fabulous. I took an evening drive to relax and it was a wonderful 58 degrees so my windows were down. For some reason this was a particularly rough winter and I’m glad it’s (mostly) over. We may get a few more snow spritzes here and there, but spring is officially here and nice weather is right around the corner.
I’m thrilled about my upcoming spring cleaning. I’ve got big plans for my garage- I want to get my wood shop set up again and put in some new cabinets to replace our shelves (it will be better organized). And I’ve got bigger plans for work (I’ll be posting the remodeling progress in the next day or so). It’s so much easier to feel cheerful with the sun shining and a cool breeze wisping around you. Welcome spring!
The Road Ahead
I’ve said it before and I’m sure everyone will hear me say it again. It’s seems impossible for me to to find time for everything. Work, family, friends, health, religion, education, hobbies, chores, blogging… Some people manage to balance everything and I can’t figure out how they do it. On a good day I perform a passable juggling act. I’m about to turn 30 (less than a week) and I’ve got to give careful consideration to my time (it’s running out!)
These days I cram in more and more work. Jim operates Blaze Commerce and I just signed on as a part owner and we have plans to overtake the local ecommerce market. Over here at BladeHQ we’re getting ready to open our “real” retail shop and there’s a huge amount of prep work to do before the remodeling. We’ve also got plans to fire up a slew of new websites so we can keep costs covered. If I was a single guy and sacrificed every aspect of my personal life then there’d be plenty of time.
But I’m not- I’m married, I have three kids. It’s sad to miss pieces of their childhood. It only happens one time and you’re either there, or you’re not. Don’t get me wrong- I come home from work every evening to see my family but it’s not enough for me. In the the grand scheme of things I keep hoping that I can get work “out of the way” and then go play. So far so good, but it really takes it toll. And part of me wonders if it’s really worth it. It’s been physically destructive… I can say that much.
For my birthday I ordered a sole treadmill. It should be here next week. I have plans to hop on the thing every day for about 30 mins. Where will that time come from? I don’t have television, I have’ read a book in months and I only sleep 6 hours as it is (with the exception of Saturday, when my wonderful wife lets me sleep in). Another 30 minutes a day is going to be tough! But given that my body weight has increased by 129% in the last four years I figure an intervention is necessary- even if it comes from me.
I’m sure I’ll find a way to throw one more ball into my chaotic juggling regime. I always do. Focus is a real key to success. I’m often amazed at how much time I can waste surfing the Internet, browsing catalogs in the bathroom, or sometimes just staring into space. If I can harness some of that I’m sure I can scrape together 30 minutes of time to treadmill it up. I can stare into space while I run (well… walk… I’m sure I’ll be walking at first).
And so… that’s why I haven’t been a consistent blogger. Blogging is lower down on my list of priorities and often gets pushed to the side. “I need to blog… but I haven’t slept in 13 days… I must sleep.” I don’t anticipate any change, but if I can think of something to jettison I will blog more. Any ideas?
Park City Corvette Caravan
A scenic drive to Park City, fine dining at Park City’s premier Italian restaurant, and the companionship of eight other Corvettes screaming along beside you the whole way. Who could ask for more? What about the company of your beautiful wife? That’s right… the perfect evening. Almost.
On Saturday a group of us met up in Pleasant Grove and drove to Park City for Dinner. It was a blast to cruise along with eight other Corvettes and I think it was the first time my wife got a glimpse of my other social circle.
We ate at Ghidottis. It’s expanse is formidable, its food delicious and its service somewhat lacking. The menu was over-sized (I wish I had a picture- I’m not kidding, it was huge) and difficult to decipher. I ended up getting plain old Fettucini Alfredo. It was probably the best tasting pasta I can recall eating but for the $21.00 price tag the portion was undersized (“just right” my wife pointed out). At the end of dinner the waitress refused to put the meals on separate checks. She forced us to try and calculate how much we individually owed and offered to run our cards for that amount. After numerous unsuccessful attempts and nearly 45 minutes after finishing our meal we were able to leave the restaurant. Geez.
The picture above is where we met up. The guy in the picture is Shayne, who coordinated the dinner effort (thanks Shayne). I’m the third car from the left (black). It gets harder and harder to find time to do something fun so I’m glad we were able to take a break and and go for a cruise.
Growing Pains
Business is good. Four years ago I would have never imagined we’d be where we are today. This is the second time we’ve run out of room in our store. Although problematic, I consider it a good thing. With a desperate need for more space we decided to purchase a building for ourselves (as pictured above). We found a company that was building mixed use retail, warehouse and office space. We signed on to purchase a two story 11,000 square foot building of which we would occupy about a third and rent the rest. However we started to have reservations when the builders expressed concerns about parking allotment and some modifications we wanted to make to the structure. With projected costs well over a million we wanted the new store to be just perfect. In the midst of trying to figure out if we were going to try to compromise or look for another building I got a call from the owners of our current location. In three months we could have the store next door if we wanted. The timing could not have been better.
There are several huge advantages to this development. First, we don’t have to move our warehouse. Typically this causes an interruption of about 2-3 weeks and I’m thrilled to bypass that. Second, this will give us enough room for a full fledged retail front. What we have currently is about 250 square feet and was created primarily to enable us to sell products from companies who stipulated that we must have a “brick and mortar” store. In the past year we’ve seen a surge in local customer interest and our current storefront is just not designed to handle them. Our new storefront will be three times as big. Third, this will give us more time to stockpile funds (or grow the business) for a future building. Leasing is a better option for our current business model. Less risk, more cash flow, and it provides more mobility for our growth. And finally I’m excited to be able to expand our product line sooner- the lack of space has really held us back this past year. If we had built our own building it would be January of next year before we would really have a chance to grow.
There’s a lot of work to do in the next few months: we’re going to have to do some gutting (of both our current space and the new space), remodeling, and design, build and install almost 200 feet of retail shelving. We’re shooting for the grand opening of our new store sometime in May. I really think with some local advertising we could do very well.
This past weekend we went to Las Vegas for the Shot Show and I discovered something. While visiting with a Benchmade rep he mentioned one of the local knife stores (Cutlery Corner) was doing very well. Just a few years ago they pulled out of University Mall and it looked like they may have been teetering on the brink of collapse. But they have managed quite a turnaround in the last couple of years. What interests me about them is that they have no web presence at all; they function on a purely local level. If they can make enough money from their store to operate then we certainly can too- the difference being that it will be above and beyond what our webstores already bring in. Fingers crossed.
On a separate note I really enjoyed Las Vegas. We stayed at the Luxor hotel & casino. We went to the Shot Show on Saturday afternoon and spent the evening just having a good time. We went to the Stratosphere for some rides and we hit the Rio for dinner. And guess what? No snow. It ‘s been a winter of fury here in Utah and it was nice to get away from it for a bit.
Blog Voyeur
Blogs are interesting little windows into other’s lives. My wife posted a slew of blog links on our family page. Friends, church members, strangers… all with their own links to other blogs. It’s an endless network of life online. Sometimes the information is very general, but sometimes it’s very personal. I wonder how many people read blogs and experience a degree of vicarious enjoyment. I suppose I’m guilty to a degree.
There’s no blog I read religiously (except for mine of course- yeah, I go back a reread my blog every day… gives me a rush, you know?), but it’s fun to see what other people are up to. So and so built a new house, the whose its had a baby and the what’s their heads switched jobs. Who doesn’t get some twinge of pleasure from reading a blog? Sure, there are blogs so boring that that the voyeur blog rush (VBR) is not present, but they are pretty few and far between. You just need to make inappropriate comments on those blogs to spice things up.
And then there’s the pleasure derived from sharing information gleaned from a person’s website with that very same person. “How on earth could you know that?” they wonder. Somehow the fact that they posted it on the Internet where it is accessible to the entire 6 billion inhabitants of earth just doesn’t cross their mind.
Still, technology has made the world a very small place in some ways. The amount of available information is overwhelming. One can consume only so many blogs, myspace pages, facebook something or others and social networking doodads a day. As a blog voyeur you have to be a little picky.
Cold and Old
For the last five years we’ve gone snowmobiling in January. We’ve tried out a number of different locations such as Bear River Lodge & Daniel’s Summit. This year we went to the Aspen Moose Cabin in Timberlake Estates. My selfless wife watched our children while I ventured out an an Arctic Cat with Tom, Andrew and John. The snowmobiling was very good, with Timberlakes offering up some good paths, hills and fields. It also offered up a river bed which I didn’t see until it was much too late. I drove right into it at nearly full speed. I think I may have ended up with a concussion. I was going to post pictures of some of my bruises, but I’m not a pretty man to begin with… All told we probably logged about 4 hours on the snowmobiles. 3 days later and I’m still a little sore. Getting old.
The snowmobiling rental process seems to get longer and longer every year and I’m considering just getting a couple of my own. I could take a few extra trips during the winter and do some reconnaissance as well. We’re still searching for the perfect spot to snowmobile and relax. Timberlakes was good, but I think the snowmobiling at Bear River was a little better. However, I liked the accommodations at Daniel’s Summit more; the bathrooms at the Aspen Moose were ridiculously small and uncomfortable. All in all a good trip. My brain is seizing, so that will be it for now.